Dympna Niall

Dympna Niall

Friendly bacon maven. Hipster-friendly food evangelist. Evil music buff. Extreme coffee junkie. Lifelong organizer.

35 Author´s Posts
What Happens When Solar Panels Reach the End of Their Lifespan?

What Happens When Solar Panels Reach the End of Their Lifespan?

As time passes, solar cells gradually become less effective in collecting solar energy. Solar panels degrade mainly due...

How Many Solar Panels Can I Install on My Roof?

How Many Solar Panels Can I Install on My Roof?

Technically, it's not your retailer that sets the limits on the amount of solar energy or the number of rooftop solar...

Do Solar Panels Need Insurance Coverage?

Do Solar Panels Need Insurance Coverage?

Solar panel insurance coverage is usually included in most homeowners insurance policies, meaning that you don't need to...

How Many Solar Panels and Batteries Do I Need to Go Off the Grid?

How Many Solar Panels and Batteries Do I Need to Go Off the Grid?

Living off the grid is a lifestyle choice that many people are making in order to be more independent and...

How Efficient are Solar Panels After 10 Years?

How Efficient are Solar Panels After 10 Years?

In the span of five years, there is a 5% decrease in production and after 10 years, an 8% drop in production. Solar...

How Long Can Solar Panels Last in Ireland?

How Long Can Solar Panels Last in Ireland?

Investing in solar panels is a great way to reduce energy consumption and save money in the long run. But before you make ...

The Benefits of Installing Solar Panels in Ireland: A Guide for Homeowners

The Benefits of Installing Solar Panels in Ireland: A Guide for Homeowners

Installing solar panels in Ireland is a great way to reduce the country's carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner...

How Many Solar Panels Do I Need to Live Off the Grid?

How Many Solar Panels Do I Need to Live Off the Grid?

Living off the grid is becoming increasingly popular as people look for ways to reduce their carbon footprint and save...

How Many Solar Panels Do You Need for a 1500 sq ft House?

How Many Solar Panels Do You Need for a 1500 sq ft House?

Are you considering switching to solar energy for your 1,500-square-foot home? If so, you'll need to know how many solar...

Maximizing Solar Panel Efficiency in Ireland: A Guide for Homeowners

Maximizing Solar Panel Efficiency in Ireland: A Guide for Homeowners

Solar energy is a great way to reduce electricity bills and your carbon footprint. In Ireland, the average efficiency of...

How Efficient Will Solar Panels Be in 20 Years? - An Expert's Perspective

How Efficient Will Solar Panels Be in 20 Years? - An Expert's Perspective

The average efficiency rate of current solar panels is around 15 percent, and analysts predict that by 2027, most premium ...

Is Solar Panel Cleaning Necessary for Optimal Performance?

Is Solar Panel Cleaning Necessary for Optimal Performance?

When it comes to solar panel cleaning, the answer is a resounding yes. To ensure optimal operation and efficiency, it is...

Calculating the Payback Period for Solar Panels in Ireland

Calculating the Payback Period for Solar Panels in Ireland

According to the Irish Sustainable Energy Authority (SEAI), the average payback period for a home solar panel system in...

Is There VAT on Solar Panels in Ireland?

Is There VAT on Solar Panels in Ireland?

Ireland has joined the ranks of EU countries that have taken advantage of the EU's new VAT freedoms, reducing the value...

When is it Time to Replace Your Solar Panels?

When is it Time to Replace Your Solar Panels?

Solar panels are designed to last for 20 to 30 years, and most suppliers offer a 20-year warranty on their products. To...

How to Clean Solar Panels for Maximum Efficiency and Performance

How to Clean Solar Panels for Maximum Efficiency and Performance

Solar energy is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and save money on energy bills. To ensure that your solar...

The Comprehensive Guide to the Cost of Solar Panels in Ireland: All You Need to Know

The Comprehensive Guide to the Cost of Solar Panels in Ireland: All You Need to Know

Are you considering investing in solar energy for your home? If so, you may be wondering what the average cost per watt...

Do Solar Panels Need Regular Maintenance? - An Expert's Guide

Do Solar Panels Need Regular Maintenance? - An Expert's Guide

Solar panels are a great way to reduce energy costs and help the environment, but they do require some maintenance. While ...

How Many Solar Panels Do You Need to Power a Home in Ireland?

How Many Solar Panels Do You Need to Power a Home in Ireland?

The number of solar panels needed to power a home in Ireland depends on a variety of factors, such as the daily energy...

How Many Solar Panels Do I Need for a 1500 Square Foot Home?

How Many Solar Panels Do I Need for a 1500 Square Foot Home?

In a nutshell, a 1,500 square foot home typically requires around 16 solar panels with a rated power of 400 W to create a ...

What Happens to Solar Panels When They Reach the End of Their Life Cycle? - An Expert's Perspective

What Happens to Solar Panels When They Reach the End of Their Life Cycle? - An Expert's Perspective

When solar panels reach the end of their life cycle, they can only be partially recycled. Aluminum, glass, and copper can ...

Government Incentives for Installing Solar Panels in Ireland

Government Incentives for Installing Solar Panels in Ireland

The Irish Sustainable Energy Authority (SEAI) offers a one-time grant for the purchase and installation of solar...

Do Solar Panels Need Routine Maintenance? - An Expert's Guide

Do Solar Panels Need Routine Maintenance? - An Expert's Guide

Solar panels are a great way to generate clean energy and reduce your electricity bills. But do they require routine...

Is Solar Energy a Good Investment in Ireland? - An Expert's Perspective

Is Solar Energy a Good Investment in Ireland? - An Expert's Perspective

In Ireland, solar energy is becoming an increasingly attractive option for homeowners and businesses. With electricity...

Understanding Solar Panel Connections to the Grid: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding Solar Panel Connections to the Grid: A Comprehensive Guide

When connected to the grid, your solar panel system is connected to the electrical grid via a bidirectional electricity...

Is Investing in Solar Panels a Smart Move in Ireland?

Is Investing in Solar Panels a Smart Move in Ireland?

Investing in solar panels is a great option for homeowners in Ireland. Not only do they offer a way to save money on...

Maximizing Solar Panel Efficiency: Tips and Tricks

Maximizing Solar Panel Efficiency: Tips and Tricks

IntroductionAs an expert in the field of renewable energy, I have seen the growing popularity of solar panels as a source ...

Do Clean Solar Panels Generate More Energy?

Do Clean Solar Panels Generate More Energy?

Recent studies have revealed that a dirty solar panel can lose up to 50% of its efficiency when compared to a clean one....